

Some call them cute, some call them sweet - I call them killers. Hippos are one of the nastiest animals that have ever existed. At their nature they are herbivorous and do not eat meat, which should mean that they are harmless to humans. But in reality hippos are responsible for causing more direct deaths than any other animal alone. But why? They don't eat meat. Hippos won't eat you, they will crush your back backbone with their mighty jaws and leave you to rot forever. Hippos attack people for the sole purpose of killing you. And dont think that it won't happen to you or your close ones. A hippo, if it's given the opportunity, will kill you, your friends, and everyone with you. And why do hippos kill since they don't eat meat? Because they hate humans. At least we meat-eaters kill for a purpose to feed ourselves, hippos kill for pleasure. Now you tell me who is savage and uncivilized.

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